The International Fellowship of Chivalry-Now

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Council of Knights

Steven Forgette

Senior Knight and one of two founding members of the Council of Knights of Chivalry-Now. It was through Sir Steven that the legitimacy of Knighthood was passed onto this Council.

Steven has performed volunteer work through the Knights of Columbus for over 25 years and achieved the rank of District Marshal. Has given over 50 presentations on chivalry.

 "The Quest for The Holy Grail was never meant to be achieved, It was meant to be lived—now, today and forever."

D. Joseph Jacques

One of two founding members of the Council of Knights of Chivalry-Now. Received the accolade of Knighthood from Steven Forgette on March 31, 2007.

Author of the Chivalry-Now web site, Chivalry-Now, the Code of Male Virtue, and The Deeper Quest.

"I never knew how empty was my life, until it was filled."

Terence Edward Plage

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on April 4, 2009.

Terry instituted the Collegiate Fellowship of Chivalry, located in South Africa.


"Valde vult, vare vult!"

Jeffrey Barnes

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on October 28, 2011.

Jeffrey serves his community as an emergency responder long committed to this fellowship and to chivalry, and did extraordinary service during the aftermeth of Hurricane Katrina, thus earning his title in the field. He is the administrator of Chivalry-Now's Open Forum and other social media, through which the fellowship communicates and performs outreach.

Outstanding service during Hurricane Irene, 2011

Faithful to the Quest
The Courage of one can change the destiny of many."

Nicholas Bettis

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on December 8, 2013.

Nick has combined his dedication to chivalry with his expertise in marketing to promote Chivalry-Now. He is a member of our Marketing Committee.

CN Workshop Presentation

 "Ostendo non ostento"
"I show, not Boast"

Chistopher Warren

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on February 17, 2014.

Chris presently serves in the U.S. Navy as a helicopter tactical crewman and rescue swimmer, stationed in Florida, and is a skilled martial artists. He is also an adult volunteer/Officer in the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps, a Navy and Marine Corps sponsored youth program.


 "Semper Invictus Maneo

Bruce Haig

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on June 21, 2014.

Bruce is our chief representative in Germany, and maintains an Open Forum and Facebook page in the German language on our behalf.


 "Tide what may... standfast!"

Steven Harris

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on June 21, 2014.

Chris presently serves in the U.S. Navy as a helicopter tactical crewman and rescue swimmer, stationed in Florida, and is a skilled martial artists. He is also an adult volunteer/Officer in the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps, a Navy and Marine Corps sponsored youth program.


 "Areté was a core Ancient Greek virtue – it was the excellenceborn from seeking to fulfill purpose, realize possibilities, and expend every last drop of potential and ability."

Yusuf Dar

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on June 21, 2014.

Although Yusuf is presently in college, he remains a prolific member of our fellowship. He runs two websites, one for helping young people who are being bullied, depressed or suicidal. The other provides weather updates.

Because he is not yet 21, his Knightood is technically considered provisional, but that will end once he comes of age.


 "Fortius quo Fidelius - Strength through Loyalty

Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo - Through the darkness we come as light
-Ninja proverb

True, I am young, but for souls nobly born valor doesn't await the passing of years - Pierre Corneille"

Tobias Neal

Declared Knight by this Council. Received the accolade of Knighthood on October 26, 2013.

Toby has strong experience in the military, and as a shooting instructor, a physical fitness coach and in buiness. He is a member of our Marketing Committee.

Provisional Status

"Past and future are dreams; now is a reality. All things are now; all power, all possibility, all action is now.To live in thoughts of what you might have done, or in dreams of what you mean to do, this is folly." — James Allen

The Council of Knights
of the IFCN was formed on March 31, 2007 during a small ceremony held in Plattsburgh, New York. Present that day were the two founders, Steven Forgette and Dean Jacques. At the same time, members of the CN forum from around the world held vigil in order to participate in spirit.

The outdoor chapel, for Knightings
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IFCN Established 2007
© Copyright 2006